

 Note: In Sefer Hamitzvoth , RaMBaM lists the Law of Appointing a King as #497.   Laws of Kings and their Wars 591 Appoint a king from Israel Deut. 17:15 592 Not to appoint a convert Deut. 17:15 593 The king must not have too many wives Deut. 17:17 594 The king must not have too many horses Deut. 17:16 595 The king must not have too much silver and gold Deut. 17:17 596 Destroy the seven Canaanite nations Deut. 20:17 597 Not to let any of them remain alive Deut. 20:16 598 Wipe out the descendants of Amalek Deut. 25:19 599 Remember what Amalek did to the Jewish people Deut. 25:17 600 Not to forget Amalek's atrocities and ambush on our journey  from Egypt in the desert Deut. 25:19 601 Not to dwell permanently in Egypt Deut. 17:16 602 Offer peace terms to the inhabitants of a city while holding siege, and treat them according to the Torah if they accept the terms Deut. 20:10 603 Not to offer peace to Ammon and Moab while ...


  Chapters 11 & 12 of Hilchos Melachim from the Mishneh Torah of the Rambam Published by:  Sichos In English "Nevertheless, the intent of the Creator of the world is not within the power of man to comprehend, for [to paraphrase  Yeshayahu 55:8 ] His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts. [Ultimately,] all the deeds of Jesus of Nazareth and that Ishmaelite [i.e. Mohammed] who arose after him will only serve to pave the way for the coming of Moshiach and for the improvement of the entire world, [motivating the nations] to serve G-d together, as it is written  [Zephaniah 3:9] , "I will make the peoples pure of speech so that they will all call upon the Name of G-d and serve Him with one purpose." PUBLISHER'S FOREWORD Since the time of the Rambam (1135-1204), it has been impossible to discuss the subject of Moshiach and the Era of the Redemption without direct reference to the last two chapters of his monumental halachic code, the  Mishneh Tor...


  From Moses in the 20th Century by Susan Roth , 1994 Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Rabbi Jacob Emden on Christianity


An interesting, complex, convoluted, contradictory, postmodern feminist take on the explicit Commandment in Devarim 17:14 to Appoint a King. It seems that most of the Rabbis in the Galut want to reamin in the Galut and to keep their flock in the Galut, or to bring their Torah Empires here and pretend that this is The Kingdom, and whoever their favorite Rabbi is is The King. There's a specific process for all this, and it's not complicated. But you might not understand this after listening to these three lectures and polemical arguments against the King. Listen carefully and take notes. Follow the "logic" and ask yourself if it encourages or discourages you to perform Mitzvoth #497 as listed in Sefer HaMitzvoth (#591 in Mishne Torah)  Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Blumenthal – Jews for Judaism

OYLEM GOYLEM by Yosef Dayan Ha Nasi 2004

Oylem Goylem  (the masses are asses)  The criticism of democracy refers to democracy as a system that is always shown in the best light in theoretical writings.  In these theoretical writings, it is claimed that this system, if properly implemented in the manner intended by its originators, will guarantee "Liberty Equality Fraternity" to everyone.  Today, there are similar slogans such as "Diversity Equity Inclusion" (DEI) or "Environmental, Social, Governance" (ESG), also claiming to be protecting democracy.  We are not discussing the many accidents that have left their mark on the idea of democracy during its course of implementation, here and in other places in the world.  The shortcomings mentioned in these pages do not refer to the distortions or perversions of democracy, which came about because of various utilitarian reasons or because of vested interests that influenced its implementation.  They do not refer to cases where democracy is invoked ...

What We Need Is A King by Dr. Israel Eldad

A King is a Force that creates His kingdom independently, even before any being has been created -- and this is the kind of King for whom we yearn. For many years now we, a group of ideological Zionists, have been struggling to have Zionism defined as a Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Israel. It is hard to believe just how much ridicule and enmity this term has received!   "That's all we need -- a king!?"  It was once said that all Judaism needed was a "spiritual center".  The great and culturally profound English people and the small but creative Norwegian people feel comfortable with their king or queen, symbolically, but tangibly representing their unique being. Only the Jewish People, the truly great Nation of Israel, needs no more than professors or -- lehavdil [no comparision should be made]-- Chief Rabbis.  One of the greatest hours of our history was the hour when King David was chosen, e...

Jabotinsky Distorted by Dr. Israel Eldad 1980

Image The Jerusalem Quarterly , Number Sixteen, Summer 1980   “The Jewish race is one of the primary races of mankind that has retained its integrity, in spite of the continual change of its climatic environment, and the Jewish type has conserved its purity through the centuries. The Jewish race, which was so pressed and almost destroyed by the many nations of antiquity, would have disappeared long ago in the sea of Indo-Germanic nations, had it not been endowed with the gift of retaining its peculiar type under all circumstances and reproducing it. Of the predominance of the Jewish type in cases of intermarriage with members of Indo-Germanic race, I can quote and example from my own experience for the Jewish type is indestructible. Nay, more, the type is undeniable, even in its most beautiful representatives ... My own race has played such an important role in the world history and is destined for a still greater one in the future.” [Mose...