An interesting, complex, convoluted, contradictory, postmodern feminist take on the explicit Commandment in Devarim 17:14 to Appoint a King. It seems that most of the Rabbis in the Galut want to reamin in the Galut and to keep their flock in the Galut, or to bring their Torah Empires here and pretend that this is The Kingdom, and whoever their favorite Rabbi is is The King. There's a specific process for all this, and it's not complicated. But you might not understand this after listening to these three lectures and polemical arguments against the King. Listen carefully and take notes. Follow the "logic" and ask yourself if it encourages or discourages you to perform Mitzvoth #497 as listed in Sefer HaMitzvoth (#591 in Mishne Torah)

 Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Blumenthal – Jews for Judaism


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