What We Need Is A King by Dr. Israel Eldad
A King is a Force that creates His kingdom independently, even before any being has been created -- and this is the kind of King for whom we yearn. http://www.saveisrael.com/eldad/eldadking.htm For many years now we, a group of ideological Zionists, have been struggling to have Zionism defined as a Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Israel. It is hard to believe just how much ridicule and enmity this term has received! "That's all we need -- a king!?" It was once said that all Judaism needed was a "spiritual center". The great and culturally profound English people and the small but creative Norwegian people feel comfortable with their king or queen, symbolically, but tangibly representing their unique being. Only the Jewish People, the truly great Nation of Israel, needs no more than professors or -- lehavdil [no comparision should be made]-- Chief Rabbis. One of the greatest hours of our history was the hour when King David was chosen, e...
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